We have lots of warmth and creativity to share. See below for some of the types of expressive arts activities we offer in our videos.
This is an example of “collage”. You and your loved one can try this at home. Here’s how:
Collect old magazines, wrapping paper, greeting cards, yarn, ribbon, flat paper (or cardboard) to workon.
Tear (or safely use scissors) to cut out shapes, colours and words that attract your attention.
Move the images you collect around on your flat sheet of paper or cardboard into an arrangement that feels right for you - no right or wrong way. Use a glue stick to adhere your images.
Here is another example of “collage” using easy and affordable arty materials picked up at a dollar store. Markers, glue sticks, tape, scissors (to be used safely), yarn, beading kits, paint, mini wooden boxes, and canvasses are just some of the treasures you can bring to your home art-ing activities.
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Contact us at thegoodconversations@gmail.com
The Good Conversations supports the Reimagining Dementia Coalition and the Let’s Reimagine global campaign to reduce stigma and promote innovative arts-based dementia initiatives. To watch the Let’s Reimagine video, click here.
© 2020 The Good Conversations